In this day and age we have so many forms of technology. These forms of technology and the mindset in the world is to keep producing new forms of technology. We no longer see a reason to keep devices for longer then a year becasue there is something better. So then where does this "old" technology go? We have to throw away the old and make room for the new devices. In the article it talks about the "E-waste" and how it is a build of so much old technolgy from all around the world. There is 50 million tons of electric waste being thrown away each year and said to double by 2050. The issue with e-waste is it cant be recyeled that well because it is made from poor choices of material. In many areas in the world like Ghana which was very effected by this issue the pollution is very bad and harming health. The issue will contiune to grow becasue it doesnt have that much awarness. In the article it says contries are creating programs to help but I dont think there is enough. Because i didnt even know about how major the issue was untill after reading this article. I just think we need more programs becasue the mindset isnt going to change for how eletronics are thrown away. So health and enviormental issues will contiune to happen.
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